Let me start off like this. The following information is not a Conspiracy theory, majority of this are from the people that were involved. Something just dawned on me and I must bring this to every ones attention. As we witness the change in Washington D.C., there is something deeper that is going on that we have to put in prospective. The topic is called “Drugs”. During the 60’s and early 70’s the Black Panthers were under attack by the CIA and The Governor of California. One form of attack was the access of drugs that the CIA allowed to overflow in the Black Community. We fast forward to the 80’s and we see the connection with the 40th President/Vice President and Noriega (not the rapper). Emanuel Noriega worked for the CIA most of his life. It has been revealed that he was a key component in raising of finances for the Iran Contra Affair through the drug smuggling/dealing right here in the U.S. Also there is a guy by the name of Rick Ross (not the rapper) that has implicated the CIA along with the 40th President himself in much of the drugs that was allowed to overflow on the West Coast of the U.S. Not let me rewind real quick to the Panthers. The reason I brought this up because Ronald Reagan was the Governor of California during this time and George H. W. Bush was head of the CIA. Now from 1960 until 2008 This Bush drug Cartel has been running the dope game. They were positioned strategically in Government to control key states. George W held down Texas and Jeb Bush held down Florida. Now you can see how they were able to continue the inlet of drugs unrestricted after Reagan and Daddy Bush was out of Office. Oh yea, please don’t let me for get the Clinton and Bush ties during the 80’s. When Bill was Governor over Arkansas, this state was being use as a drop location for anything they couldn’t get through the border due to any mishap. http://www.etherzone.com/body.html This is a list of all the people that have been associated one way or the other with the Clinton’s and all are dead mostly by murder. Now You have to see that the drug game is basically over. This is one of the main reason’s Wall Street is crashing as well. Yes The illegal drug sales attributes largely to the economy on every level. Here comes the 44th Pres. I need you to recognize the Change that has come. When he position’s himself. He bring along with him an element that is providing checks and balance’s. So for here on out if any one that is still in the game. They either are informants or about to get busted.

With just 60 days left in his tenure, you might think that W.’s lame duck administration was sitting around relieved that another guy was taking over, counting the minutes until the flight leaves for Crawford.  

Not quite. 

Based on the flurry of quiet directives coming from the White Houseas the end of the term nears, it looks like the Bush Goose (or is it turducken?) isn’t quite cooked yet.

In what has become a kind of presidential right-of-passage, the president (or really, the federal agencies that answer to him) has been pushing through a series of last-minute regulations that have the force of law. Everything from pollution controls to family-leave standards can be set by these rules. 

And you thought your high school government teacher said that Congress made all the laws. 

These de-facto laws are called “midnight rules” or “midnight regulations” because they happen at the end — or midnight period — of an administration.  If the rules are published in the Federal Register by Friday, Nov. 21, they’ll be very hard for President-elect Obama to reverse when he gets into office. 

And that’s the point. Sure, the administration had eight years to get a lot of this stuff accomplished. But according senior research fellow atGeorge Mason University Veronique de Rugy, most midnight regulations “cater to special interests,” and “that is why they are hurried into effect without the usual checks and balances.” 

George Bush isn’t the first president to push through rules before the next guy can get in. Jimmy Carter gets that award. In fact, the New Yorker’s Elizabeth Kolbert says Cater’s whirlwind of last-minute activity before Ronald Reagan took office is when the practice got named. “They became known as ‘midnight regulations,’ after the ‘midnight judges’ appointed by John Adams in the final hours of hisPresidency.”

George Bush doesn’t get the award for the most rules shoved through after the two-minute warning, either. That goes to Bill Clinton who, according to de Rugy, set the record for number of pages published in the Federal Register at “more than 26,000.” 

So, what rules are the White House and all its federal agencies trying to get through this season? 

The Wall Street Journal reports that the new rules, “open the way for commercial development of oil shale on federal land, allow truckers to drive for longer periods, and add certain restrictions on employee time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act.”

Those run the gamut, but the ones getting the most ink are environmentally focused. The Los Angeles Times says environmentalists are angry by a host of loosened safeguards:


In recent days, the Bush administration announced new rules to speed oil shale development across 2 million rocky acres in the West. It scheduled an auction for drilling rights alongside three national parks. It has also set in motion processes to finalize major changes in endangered species protection, allow more mining waste to flow into rivers and streams, and exempt factory farms from air pollution reporting.

The Chicago Tribune did a special report saying the administration undercut a clean-air rule aimed at curbing childhood lead poisoning:


…the EPA had planned to require lead monitors next to any factory emitting at least a half-ton of lead a year. But after the White House intervened, the agency raised the threshold to a ton of lead or more, according to e-mails and other documents exchanged between the EPA and the Office of Management and Budget.

In an Oct. 31 press briefingDeputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto was asked about environmental groups saying the White House was easing limits on pollution. First Fratto responded that the White House is “constrained” about discussing regulations under review, but then said, “I would be highly doubtful that there’s any specific increase in environmental-related regulations.”

Navigating the rule-making process can be laborious for the non-wonk type, but the non-profit, investigative journalism group ProPublica has tried to make it easy for people who want to investigate for themselves. ProPublica has a master list of Bush’s midnight regulations here and they have posted a guide on “How to Ferret Out Midnight Regs Yourself.” If you’ve got the time and inclination, a lot of this process is public record and online.

What do you think will be the outcome? If convicted do you think Cheney will seek a pardon from his Cousin that is the 44th President?

— President-elect Barack Obama wrote a letter to Illinois residents published in the state’s newspapers Sunday, the day his resignation from the Senate became official.

Full text of the letter:

Today, I am ending one journey to begin another. After serving the people of Illinois in the United States Senate — one of the highest honors and privileges of my life — I am stepping down as senator to prepare for the responsibilities I will assume as our nation’s next president. But I will never forget, and will forever be grateful, to the men and women of this great state who made my life in public service possible.

More than two decades ago, I arrived in Illinois as a young man eager to do my part in building a better America. On the South Side of Chicago, I worked with families who had lost jobs and lost hope when the local steel plant closed. It wasn’t easy, but we slowly rebuilt those neighborhoods one block at a time, and in the process I received the best education I ever had. It’s an education that led me to organize a voter registration project in Chicago, stand up for the rights of Illinois families as an attorney and eventually run for the Illinois state Senate.


It was in Springfield, in the heartland of America, where I saw all that is America converge — farmers and teachers, businessmen and laborers, all of them with a story to tell, all of them seeking a seat at the table, all of them clamoring to be heard. It was there that I learned to disagree without being disagreeable; to seek compromise while holding fast to those principles that can never be compromised, and to always assume the best in people instead of the worst. Later, when I made the decision to run for the United States Senate, the core decency and generosity of the American people is exactly what I saw as I traveled across our great state — from Chicago to Cairo; from Decatur to Quincy.

I still remember the young woman in East St. Louis who had the grades, the drive and the will but not the money to go to college. I remember the young men and women I met at VFW halls across the state who serve our nation bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I will never forget the workers in Galesburg who faced the closing of a plant they had given their lives to, who wondered how they would provide health care to their sick children with no job and little savings.

Stories like these are why I came to Illinois all those years ago, and they will stay with me when I go to the White House in January. The challenges we face as a nation are now more numerous and difficult than when I first arrived in Chicago, but I have no doubt that we can meet them. For throughout my years in Illinois, I have heard hope as often as I have heard heartache. Where I have seen struggle, I have seen great strength. And in a state as broad and diverse in background and belief as any in our nation, I have found a spirit of unity and purpose that can steer us through the most troubled waters.

It was long ago that another son of Illinois left for Washington. A greater man who spoke to a nation far more divided, Abraham Lincoln, said of his home, “To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe everything.” Today, I feel the same, and like Lincoln, I ask for your support, your prayers, and for us to “confidently hope that all will yet be well.”

With your help, along with the service and sacrifice of Americans across the nation who are hungry for change and ready to bring it about, I have faith that all will in fact be well. And it is with that faith, and the high hopes I have for the enduring power of the American idea, that I offer the people of my beloved home a very affectionate thanks.


Mr. Tuggle says his group isn’t looking for an 1860-style secession but, rather, a model that Spain, for one, is moving toward, in which “there’s a great deal of autonomy for constituent regions” – a foil to what is seen as unchecked, dangerous federal power in Washington.

“To a lot of people, the idea of secession doesn’t seem so crazy anymore,” says Tuggle. “People are talking about how left out they feel, … and they feel that something strange and radical has taken over our country.”

I have heard time and time again of white people stating they believe they have lost “THEIR COUNTRY” as if nobody else contributed. Now the ignorance of white people emerges again! Well I got a surprise for you. If you think it will be a Race War you are wrong. There will be other White People that you will have to face today. There are so many white street gangs that have organized with ties to black gangs. There are many other White Movements and sympathizer’s that believe in the course America is on. So if you believe this will be just Black Against White thing well you all are in for a surprise!

Will There Be A Race War Behind This Election?

As we approach the closing days of this historic election, I’m beginning to sense a second wind kicking in within the voter. This is a tremendous feeling for any sprinter to feel this boost of energy, it’s almost as if you are being controlled by another power. “There is a Righteous wind on our backs.” So at this time we need to harness that energy focus and do what needs to be done to make our voice’s heard. Voting is just the first step. Along with voting comes with an education of political agenda’s that affect us Nationally and Locally. There are many things we can change within our own community if we organize and place pressure on all politicians that we elect. It’s a time for politicians to respect and represent the people that has elected them into office. The fear of government is a tradition we must look to change as well. The way we can do this is by getting involved and becoming more aware of statutes that are being passed that will affect us. I encourage every one to read the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights and compare those rights against the Illinois Constitution. If our state doesn’t uphold the Supreme Law of the land we must vote to change this. If we can adopt a Constitution for our state that reflects the Bill of rights we can put an end to a lot of corruption that we see. Illinois has the most political jobs in The U.S. This must be changed. There are too many people eating off of the tax payers and aren’t doing anything to make a change for improvement of the lifestyle’s in the community the represent. Vote “Yes” for a Con-Con. This Chance only come every 20 years. So we need to be apart of the drafting of this document.


(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.

Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.

Now think about this:

(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that’s 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is. .000188. Statistics courtesy of FBI

So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, ‘Guns don’t kill people, doctors do.’


Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.

We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

Out of concern for the public at large, I withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical help.


Did you know that Doctors are the 3rd Leading Cause of Death in the USA?

An article published in the Journal of The American Medical Association shows that in the US there are approximately:
* 12,000 deaths per year from unnecessary surgery
* 7,000 deaths each year from medication errors in hospitals
* 20,000 deaths caused from other errors in hospitals
* 80,000 deaths caused annually from infections in hospitals
* 106,000 deaths caused annually from adverse affects of medications

This adds up to a total of nearly a quarter of a million people that die each year due to IATROGENIC causes (i-at-ro-gen-ic adj.: induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures); third only to heart disease and cancer.

Four times as many people die in one year from doctors’ mistakes than died in the entire Vietnam War and more than TEN times the amount of American soldiers that have died in the Iraq war. These are just deaths in hospitalized patients and does not include disabilities and disorders received from IATROGENIC causes.

Studies released in the last 15 years show similar trends in the Australia, UK, Canada and New Zealand. Most other countries don’t even publish numbers like this to know the exact situation.

Sometimes lost in a custody dispute are the rights entitled to the children. While parents can freely bicker back and forth about custodial rights, the child is not always given the opportunity to voice their opinion. The court system began to take notice of this fact in the mid-eighties, and since then has implemented various protective measures to insure the child’s desires are considered.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court created a comprehensive list of guidelines for considering child custody rights. This resource was later accepted and upheld within each of the state court systems. Here is an overview of the rights it provides to the children:

-A child has a right to continue his or her relationship with each parent and receive care, guidance, and support from each as needed.

-The child is entitled to maintain regular contact with a non-custodial parent as well as a full explanation for any changes or cancellations in visitation schedules.

-A child has the right to have their ideas, feelings, and opinions considered in all discussions surrounding their welfare. This means they should not be treated as an item or bargaining chip in any aspect of the divorce settlement.

-A child has the right to freely express their love, friendship, or adoration for each parent. They should never feel ashamed or afraid to share these feeling around the other parent. Each parent also has an obligation to respect the love and emotion that the child displays for the other parent.

-The child is entitled to an explanation of the cause for the divorce and a reassurance that it was not the fault their fault. They should also not be the source of, or blamed for, any argument that arises between the parents.

-A child should never be wrongly influenced by a parent for the purpose of manipulating the child’s view of the other parent. This includes lying about the activities of the other parent or forcing the child to make decisions that are designed to negatively affect the other parent’s relationship with the child.

This is a sample of the child custody rights upheld by custody courts across the nation. In addition to these rights, the courts also takes into account the living situations offered by both parents when awarding custody. Judges can also utilize interview sessions and independent investigators to determine the child’s preference with custodial rights and visitation frequency.

It is important for children to recognize that they do have a voice in the custody rights. Unfortunately, these rights are not always explained to the children or are distorted by vindictive parents. The court system has come a long way in recent years to protect child custody rights, but the consistent support of the parents and family members is always preferred.

Is This Fact?